$ vuls server -h
[RFC3339 datetime format under results dir]
-config string
/path/to/toml (default "/Users/kanbe/go/src/")
-confidence-over int
-confidence-over=40 means reporting Confidence Score 40 and over (default: 80) (default 80)
-cvss-over float
-cvss-over=6.5 means Servering CVSS Score 6.5 and over (default: 0 (means Server all))
debug mode
SQL debug mode
-http-proxy string
http://proxy-url:port (default: empty)
Don't show the unfixed CVEs
Don't show the unscored CVEs
-lang string
[en|ja] (default "en")
-listen string
host:port (default: localhost:5515) (default "localhost:5515")
-log-dir string
/path/to/log (default "/var/log/vuls")
Output log to file
-results-dir string
/path/to/results (default "/Users/kanbe/go/src/")
Write report to localfile
- For vulnerability detection
- For health check
- X-Vuls-OS-Family (linux: required, windows: required, macos: required)
- OS Family of your target server (rhel, fedora, centos, alma, rocky, amazon, ubuntu and debian, raspbian, windows, macos)
- X-Vuls-OS-Release (linux: required, windows: optional, macos: required)
- OS Release of your target server (e.g. 6.9, 16.04, etc.)
- X-Vuls-Kernel-Release (linux: required, windows: not required, macos: not required)
- Kernel release of your target server (e.g. 2.6.32-696.6.3.el6.x86_64)
- linux: Collect by a command such as
uname -r
- X-Vuls-Kernel-Version (linux: optional, windows: optional, macos: optional)
- Required when Debian (e.g. 3.16.51-2)
- linux: Collect by a command such as
dpkg-query -W -f='${Version}' linux-image-$(uname -r)
- windows: Version such as
in winver.exe, systeminfo.exe, etc.
- X-Vuls-Server-Name (optional)
- Required when using
option) - Server name of your target server (e.g. web01)
- Required when using
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: centos" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: 6.9" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: 2.6.32-696.30.1.el6.x86_64" --data-binary "`rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} %{SOURCERPM}\n"`" http://localhost:5515/vuls
Set the above setting to cron.
Send JSON to your Vuls server. This is supposed to be used from programs etc.
Like the following JSON.
$ cat centos6.json
"family": "centos",
"release": "6.9",
"runningKernel": {
"release": "2.6.32-696.6.3.el6.x86_64",
"version": "",
"rebootRequired": false
"packages": {
"ntp": {
"name": "ntp",
"version": "4.2.6p5",
"release": "10.el6.centos.2",
"arch": "x86_64"
"openssh": {
"name": "openssh",
"version": "5.3p1",
"release": "122.el6",
"arch": "x86_64"
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @centos6.json http://localhost:5515/vuls
Supported OS
- Fedora
- CentOS
- AlmaLinux
- Rocky Linux
- Amazon Linux
- Debian
- Raspbian(Raspberry Pi OS)
- Ubuntu
- Windows
- MacOS
Example: One liner scan
Change [Your Vuls Server]
to your host name or IP address of the Vuls server.
Prepare Vuls server
Vuls server responds the scan result.
$ vuls server -listen
[Aug 25 18:10:49] INFO [localhost] Validating config...
[Aug 25 18:10:49] INFO [localhost] cve-dictionary: /Users/teppei/src/
[Aug 25 18:10:49] INFO [localhost] oval-dictionary: /Users/teppei/src/
INFO[08-25|18:10:49] Opening DB. db=sqlite3
INFO[08-25|18:10:49] Migrating DB. db=sqlite3
[Aug 25 18:10:49] INFO [localhost] Listening on
Log in your target server and execute only one command.
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `awk '{print tolower($1)}' /etc/redhat-release`" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: `awk '{print $7}' /etc/redhat-release`" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: `uname -r`" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: `hostname`" --data-binary "`rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} %{SOURCERPM}\n"`" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `awk '{print tolower($1)}' /etc/fedora-release`" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: `awk '{print $3}' /etc/fedora-release`" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: `uname -r`" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: `hostname`" --data-binary "`rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} %{SOURCERPM}\n"`" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
CentOS 6
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `awk '{print tolower($1)}' /etc/redhat-release`" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: `awk '{print $3}' /etc/redhat-release`" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: `uname -r`" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: `hostname`" --data-binary "`rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} %{SOURCERPM}\n"`" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
CentOS 7
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `awk '{print tolower($1)}' /etc/redhat-release`" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: `awk '{print $4}' /etc/redhat-release`" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: `uname -r`" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: `hostname`" --data-binary "`rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} %{SOURCERPM}\n"`" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
Oracle Linux
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `awk '{print tolower($1)}' /etc/oracle-release`" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: `awk '{print $5}' /etc/oracle-release`" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: `uname -r`" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: `hostname`" --data-binary "`rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} %{SOURCERPM}\n"`" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
Amazon Linux
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ export AMAZON_LINUX_RELEASE=$(awk '{if ($0 ~ /Amazon\ Linux\ release\ 2023/) for (i=4; i<=NF; i++) printf("%s ", $i); else if ($0 ~ /Amazon\ Linux\ 2023/) for (i=3; i<=NF; i++) printf("%s ", $i); else if ($0 ~ /Amazon\ Linux\ release\ 2022/) for (i=4; i<=NF; i++) printf("%s ", $i); else if ($0 ~ /Amazon\ Linux\ 2022/) for (i=3; i<=NF; i++) printf("%s ", $i); else if ($0 ~ /Amazon\ Linux\ release\ 2/) printf("%s %s",$4, $5); else if ($0 ~ /Amazon\ Linux\ 2/) for (i=3; i<=NF; i++) printf("%s ", $i); else if (NF==5) print $5}' /etc/system-release)
# Amazon Linux 1, Amazon Linux 2022, Amazon Linux 2023
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `awk '{print tolower($1)}' /etc/system-release`" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: $AMAZON_LINUX_RELEASE" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: `uname -r`" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: `hostname`" --data-binary "`rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} %{SOURCERPM}\n"`" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
# Amazon Linux 2 : recommendation
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `awk '{print tolower($1)}' /etc/system-release`" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: $AMAZON_LINUX_RELEASE" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: `uname -r`" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: `hostname`" --data-binary "`repoquery --all --pkgnarrow=installed --qf="%{NAME} %{EPOCH} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} %{SOURCERPM} %{UI_FROM_REPO}"`" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
# Amazon Linux 2 : If using only amzn2-core repository. Otherwise, there is a possibility of false positives.
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `awk '{print tolower($1)}' /etc/system-release`" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: $AMAZON_LINUX_RELEASE" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: `uname -r`" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: `hostname`" --data-binary "`rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} %{SOURCERPM}\n"`" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
header is also required.
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ export KERNEL_RELEASE=$(uname -r)
$ export KERNEL_VERSION=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Version}' linux-image-$(uname -r))
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: debian" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: `cat /etc/debian_version`" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: ${KERNEL_RELEASE}" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Version: ${KERNEL_VERSION}" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: `hostname`" --data-binary "$(dpkg-query -W -f="\${binary:Package},\${db:Status-Abbrev},\${Version},\${Source},\${source:Version}\n")" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `lsb_release -si | awk '{print tolower($1)}'`" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: `lsb_release -sr | awk '{print $1}'`" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: `uname -r`" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: `hostname`" --data-binary "$(dpkg-query -W -f="\${binary:Package},\${db:Status-Abbrev},\${Version},\${Source},\${source:Version}\n")" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls > $LOCAL_REPORT
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: windows" --data-binary "$(systeminfo.exe)" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `sw_vers -productName | tr "A-Z" "a-z" | sed -e "y/ /_/")` -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: $(sw_vers -productVersion)" --data-binary `while read -d $'\0' f; do echo "Info.plist: ${f}"; (echo -n "CFBundleDisplayName: "; plutil -extract "CFBundleDisplayName" raw ${f} -o -) | paste - -; (echo -n "CFBundleName: "; plutil -extract "CFBundleName" raw ${f} -o -) | paste - -; (echo -n "CFBundleShortVersionString: "; plutil -extract "CFBundleShortVersionString" raw ${f} -o -) | paste - -; (echo -n "CFBundleIdentifier: "; plutil -extract "CFBundleIdentifier" raw ${f} -o -) | paste - -; echo; done < <(find -L /Applications /System/Applications -type f -path "*.app/Contents/Info.plist" -not -path "*.app/**/*.app/*" -print0)` http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
Example: Save scan results to Vuls server
Change [Your Vuls Server]
to your host name or IP address of the Vuls server.
Vuls server
Vuls server saves the sent scan results to local.
$ vuls server -listen -to-localfile
Log in your target server and execute only one command.
header is also required.
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ export SERVER_NAME=$(hostname)
# For RHEL
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: ${SERVER_NAME}" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `awk '{print tolower($1)}' /etc/redhat-release`" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: `awk '{print $7}' /etc/redhat-release`" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: `uname -r`" --data-binary "`rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} %{SOURCERPM}\n"`" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
# For RedHat/CentOS 6
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: ${SERVER_NAME}" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `awk '{print tolower($1)}' /etc/redhat-release`" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: `awk '{print $3}' /etc/redhat-release`" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: `uname -r`" --data-binary "`rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} %{SOURCERPM}\n"`" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
# For RedHat/CentOS 7
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-Vuls-Server-Name: ${SERVER_NAME}" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Family: `awk -F: '{print $3}' /etc/system-release-cpe`" -H "X-Vuls-OS-Release: `awk -F: '{print $5}' /etc/system-release-cpe`" -H "X-Vuls-Kernel-Release: `uname -r`" --data-binary "`rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH} %{SOURCERPM}\n"`" http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
Example: Collect the scan results from Vuls agent
Vuls agent scans the target servers and sent the scan results to Vuls server.
Vuls server
Vuls server saves the sent scan results to local.
$ vuls server -listen -to-localfile
Install Vuls to the target server.
Scan normally and sent the scan results to Vuls server by -to-http
$ vuls scan
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ export VULS_HTTP_URL=http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
$ vuls report -to-http
Example: Send the server information to the server in the form of JSON
Vuls server responds the scan result.
Vuls server
Vuls server saves the sent scan results to local.
$ vuls server -listen -to-localfile
$ cat centos6.json
"family": "centos",
"release": "6.9",
"runningKernel": {
"release": "2.6.32-696.6.3.el6.x86_64",
"version": "",
"rebootRequired": false
"packages": {
"ntp": {
"name": "ntp",
"version": "4.2.6p5",
"release": "10.el6.centos.2",
"arch": "x86_64"
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @centos6.json http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
Amazon Linux
You need release got by a command such as below.
# e.g. "2 (Karoo), 2022 (Amazon Linux), 2023 (Amazon Linux)"
RELEASE=$(awk '{if ($0 ~ /Amazon\ Linux\ release\ 2023/) for (i=4; i<=NF; i++) printf("%s ", $i); else if ($0 ~ /Amazon\ Linux\ 2023/) for (i=3; i<=NF; i++) printf("%s ", $i); else if ($0 ~ /Amazon\ Linux\ release\ 2022/) for (i=4; i<=NF; i++) printf("%s ", $i); else if ($0 ~ /Amazon\ Linux\ 2022/) for (i=3; i<=NF; i++) printf("%s ", $i); else if ($0 ~ /Amazon\ Linux\ release\ 2/) printf("%s %s",$4, $5); else if ($0 ~ /Amazon\ Linux\ 2/) for (i=3; i<=NF; i++) printf("%s ", $i); else if (NF==5) print $5}' /etc/system-release)
$ cat amazon2.json
"family": "amazon",
"release": "2 (Karoo)",
"runningKernel": {
"release": "4.9.125-linuxkit",
"version": ""
"packages": {
"system-release": {
"name": "system-release",
"version": "1:2",
"release": "10.amzn2",
"arch": "x86_64"
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @amazon2.json http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
You need srcPackages collected by a command such as dpkg-query -W -f="\${binary:Package},\${db:Status-Abbrev},\${Version},\${Source},\${source:Version}\n"
$ cat debian8.json
"family": "debian",
"release": "8.10",
"runningKernel": {
"release": "3.16.0-4-amd64",
"version": "3.16.51-2",
"rebootRequired": false
"packages": {
"bind9-host": {
"name": "bind9-host",
"version": "1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u15"
"srcPackages": {
"bind9": {
"name": "bind9",
"version": "1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u15",
"binaryNames": [
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @debian8.json http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
vagrant@jessie:~$ cat ubuntu1604.json
"family": "ubuntu",
"release": "16.04",
"runningKernel": {
"release": "3.16.0-4-amd64",
"rebootRequired": false
"packages": {
"bind9-host": {
"name": "bind9-host",
"version": "1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u15"
"srcPackages": {
"bind9": {
"name": "bind9",
"version": "1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u15",
"binaryNames": [
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @ubuntu1604.json http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
You may need to apply the following patch to goval-dictionnary before to fix SLES OVAL fetching:
$ cat sles12.json
"family": "suse.linux.enterprise.server",
"release": "12.1",
"packages": {
"openssl": {
"name": "openssl",
"version": "1.0.1i-34.1",
"arch" : "x86_64"
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @sles12.json http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
$ cat windows.json
"family": "windows",
"release": "Windows 10 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems",
"runningKernel": {
"version": "10.0.19045.2546"
"windowsKB": {
"applied": [
"unapplied": [
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @windows.json http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls
$ cat macos.json
"family": "macos",
"release": "13.4.0",
"packages": {
"Safari": {
"name": "Safari",
"version": "16.5",
"repository": ""
$ export VULS_SERVER=[Your Vuls Server]
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @macos.json http://${VULS_SERVER}:5515/vuls