Tutorial - Remote Scan Mode
This tutorial will let you scan the vulnerabilities on the remote host via SSH with Vuls. This can be done in the following steps.
- Launch new Ubuntu Linux
- Enable to SSH from localhost
- Configuration
- Check config.toml and settings on the server before scanning
- Scan
- Reporting
We will use the Vuls server (called localhost) created in the previous tutorial.
Step1. Launch new Ubuntu Linux
Same like as Tutorial: Local Scan Mode#Step1. Launch CentOS7
Launch a new terminal and SSH to the Remote host.
To add the remote host's Host Key to $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts
, you need to log in to the remote host through SSH before scanning.
Step2. Enable to SSH from localhost
Vuls doesn't support SSH password authentication. So you have to use SSH key-based authentication.
Create a keypair on the localhost then append the public key to authorized_keys on the remote host.
If you need to use a key with password, see the tips of How to scan with SSH key with passphrase
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Copy ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
to the clipboard.
Remote Host
$ mkdir ~/.ssh
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
$ touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Paste from the clipboard to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
And also, confirm that the host keys of scan target servers has been registered in the known_hosts of the localhost.
To add the remote host's Host Key to $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts
, you need to log in to the remote host through SSH before scanning.
$ ssh [email protected] -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Step3. Configure (config.toml)
$ cd $HOME
$ cat config.toml
host = ""
port = "22"
user = "ubuntu"
keyPath = "/home/centos/.ssh/id_rsa"
Step4. Check config.toml and settings on the server before scanning
$ vuls configtest ubuntu
Step5. Start Scanning
$ vuls scan ubuntu
... snip ...
One Line Summary
ubuntu ubuntu16.04 30 updatable packages