High Quality Scan
High Quality Scan
Vuls uses multiple vulnerability databases NVD, JVN, OVAL, RHSA/ALAS/ELSA/FreeBSD-SA and Changelog. Vuls v0.5.0 now possible to detect vulnerabilities that patches have not been published from distributors.
Fast and Deep Scan
Fast and Deep Scan
Fast scan mode scans without root privilege, no internet access, almost no load on the scan target server. Deep scan mode scans in more detail.

Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
It is possible to acquire the state of the server executing some commands. Vuls v0.5.0 warns not-restarting-processes which updated before but not restarting yet. And detect processes affecting software update in advance.
Scan Vulnerabilites of non-OS packages
Scan Vulnerabilites of non-OS packages
It is possible to detect vulnerabilities in non-OS packages, such as something you compiled by yourself, language libraries and frameworks, that have been registered in the CPE.
VulsRepo is awesome OSS Web UI for Vuls. With VulsRepo you can analyze the scan results like Excel's pivot table. Demo is avaliable https://usiusi360.github.io/vulsrepo/
Vuls has Terminal Based Viewer. You can view the scan result with vim-like keybindings.
Email and Slack notification is possible (supports Japanese language)